A new moon is coming at the end of this week so I thought it would be nice to create this month's tarot spread printable with a Scorpio feel! Delve deep into your most hidden feelings and desires at this time.
It's in the Art Witch Club Members area now. Print it, and fill it with those secret thoughts and feelings, then, cut it up, stick it in your grimoire, burn it, turn it into a paper plane .....
Get creative!
There's lots of other printables to have fun with too!
If you're not yet a member it's easy to sign up and it's FREE!
I'm thinking a lot about the word TRUST at the moment. It's one that I struggle with so I'm finding ways of learning to TRUST that the universe has my best interests at heart. TRUSTING my self too and being happy with sometimes not knowing everything.
What word can you choose to contemplate?
Maybe do a grimoire spread around your feelings about this word? What colour do you think the word is? What type of images reflect this word?
I think that's what I'm going to be doing this week.
I've been very busy organising myself after Samhain, I do feel like it's a good time to do it at the start of the Witch's new year. Part of that was joining Leonie Dawson's amazing Academy. I've been a fan of hers forever and this was a treat to myself to acknowledge that I am serious about being a creative woman, and part of a network of small business owners that support each other with insights and experience to help each other find their way.
Her courses are my favourite ways to learn things I want to know and the incredible value of the Academy blows my mind! I have learned so much about myself and how to navigate my way in this world from dear Leonie! Her Academy is on offer until end of November for $99 a year! If you see how much content she is offering for that it's unbelievable!
Now I use the time I'm sat in the car waiting for school to do some learning work. Instead of scrolling on my phone I'm finding out new things and improving my life! Small change....big result!
There's lots of new items in the shop this week, from mini art portraits, jewellery and printables, and the Art Witch Planner has been updated to Jan - Dec 2024 ready for the new year. Lots of fun things that are perfect for Yuletide gifts.
I hope that you are well, keeping warm and cozy and enjoying life. I know there is a lot of sadness in the world right now so it's even more important to try to focus on the little things you CAN do, rather than worry about things you can't.
With Magical Hugs
Sara Jane xxx